United Kingdom

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Anthems of the constituent countries

England Jerusalem MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI karaoke file Lyrics
Northern Ireland Londonderry air MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file Lyrics
Scotland Flower of Scotland MIDI file MIDI file Lyrics
Wales Hen wlad fy nhadau MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file Lyrics

For alternate English and Scottish anthems, see below.

Regional anthems of England

Cornwall The song of the western men MIDI file Lyrics
Cumberland D’ye ken John Peel? MIDI file Lyrics
Lincolnshire The Lincolnshire poacher MIDI file Lyrics
Sussex Sussex by the Sea MIDI file Lyrics
Yorkshire On Ilkla Moor baht ’at MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file Lyrics
Wiltshire The vly be on the turmut MIDI file Lyrics

Patriotic songs

Land of hope and glory alternate English anthem MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file (chorus only)
MIDI file MIDI file (full version) Lyrics
Scotland the brave alternate Scottish anthem MIDI file MIDI file MIDI file Lyrics
Scots, wha hae historical Scottish anthem MIDI file MIDI karaoke file Lyrics

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