The vly be on the turmut

1. T’were on a jolly zummer’s day, the twenty-vust of May,
John Scruggins took his turmut ’oe, wi’ this ’e trudged away,
Now some volkes they loike haymakin’, and some they vancies mowin’
But of all the jobs as Oi loike best, gi’e Oi the turmut ’oein’.

The vly, the vly –
The vly be on the turmut,
’Tis all me eye,
For Oi to try,
To keep vlies off them turmuts.

2. The fust place as Oi went to wurk; it were wi’ Varmer Gower,
Who vowed and swore as ’ow Oi were – a vust class turmut ’oer;
The second place Oi went to wurk, they paid Oi by the job,
If Oi’d a-knowed a little more, Oi’d sooner bin in quod.


3. The last place as Oi went to wurk, they zent ver Oi a-mowin’,
Oi zent wurd back, Oi’d zunner get the zack, than gi’e up turmut ’oein’.
Now all you jolly varmer chaps, what boides at ’ome zo warm,
Oi’ll now conclude my ditty wi’e a-wishin’ you no ’arm.


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