Advance Australia fair(2nd edn, Sydney, n.d. [c.1879]):
A dance(Julius Caesar) (No 48)
Thou soft flowing Avon(Baltimore, n.d.):
As I walked forth(81)
Dear, do not your fair beauty wrong(82–3)
I pass all my hours(106–7, modified)
My lodging it is on the cold ground(104–5)
Cieszmy się miłą nadzieją
(149)Gdy naród do boju
(40–1)Marsz Żuawów
(64–5)Marsz Żuawów
(alternate version) (66–7)Himno oficial de Extremadura
, Boletín Oficial del Estado (2 Sept. 1985), 27716–17:
When daffodils begin to peer(v. 60–3)
The lark in the morn(Cornish version) (58, modified)
Niederösterreichische Landeshymne
, Landesgesetzblatt für das Land Niederösterreich (4 Mar. 1966), 90:
Ma Normandie
, Album Musica, 37 (n.d. [1905]):
Trizonesien-Song: Marsch-Fox
, arr. E. Gernet (Frankfurt, n.d.):
Inno della Somalia italiana
(Turin, n.d. [c.1924–30]):
The secular solo songs of Pelham Humfrey, MA thesis, North Texas State University, 1966:
Ah, fading joy(72–5)
Cheer up, my mates(78–81)
Hark, the storm grows loud(88–90)
A lover I am(101–2)
O love! if e’er thou’lt ease a heart(105–6)
A spouse I do hate(130–1)
Wherever I am, and whatever I do(128–9)
Boldogasszony Anyánk
(1) (338)The autumn(95, modified)
The spring(94, modified)
The summer(95, modified)
The winter(96, modified)
, The Musical Times, 93/1314 (1952), 347–51:What shall he have that killed the deer?: a note on Shakespeare’s lyric and its music
What shall he have(350, modified, with piano accompaniment based on G. T. Kimmins, Songs from the Plays of William Shakespeare with Dances (London, 1911), 60–1)
La Repubblica Partenopea e le vicende dell’ Inno del Cimarosa
, Archivio Storico Pugliese, 51 (1998), 233–40:
Echo Song(81–4, modified)
Long have mine eyes(77–8, modified)
To be, or not to be(85–93)
Come unto these yellow sands(34–5, modified)
Full fathom five(J. Banister) (32–3, modified)
Where the bee sucks(P. Humfrey) (27–8, modified)
A young man sat sighing(29–31, modified)
Michigan, my Michigan) (70–1)
Antimasque(11) (fo. 38r)
Antimasque(12) (fo. 76v)
The French morris(fo. 75r)
A masque(20) (fo. 39v, modified)
Aisling an ógfhear
(10)The soldier’s dance(39)
The forsaken maid(i. 66, modified)
Canción de la Falange
(San Sebastián, n.d. [1936?]):
Norges fjell
(46–7)Awake, ye woeful wights(17–19, modified)
Come, my Celia(91–6, modified)
Mr Johnson’s almain(257–8)
The prince’s almain(258–9, modified)
What meat eats the Spaniard?(26–9)
Ranz des vaches
(26–7)The aged lover renounceth love(alternate setting) (i. 52, modified)
Go from my window(i. 146, modified)
The merry milkmaids(i. 290–1)
Children in the wood(i. 201)
Go from my window(Norfolk version) (i. 142, modified)
Szewczyk idzie po ulicy
(32–3, modified)Zakłułam się tarniem
(20, modified)God save the South(Richmond, n.d. [c.1861]):
The witches’ dance(p. 94, modified)
Have I caught my heavenly jewel?(fo. 19r, modified)
The willow song(fo. 18r, modified)
Truth-trying time, ed. P. Warlock (London, n.d.):
Lyra viol ecclesiastica: a neglected manuscript source in Archbishop Marsh’s Library, Dublin, The Viola da Gamba Society Journal, 3 (2009), 1–54:
Mr Ward’s masque(24)
Pavane d’Anvers
(34–5)All a green willow(p. 26)
King Solomon(p. 305)
Inno della F.I.D.E.
, Chess, 16/191 (1951), 254–5:
Jechał chłop do miasta
(fo. 29r, modified)An antic dance(i. 19, modified)
The apes’ dance(M. Locke) (i. 25)
The bondman’s dance(i. 25, modified)
The Cimarrons’ dance(i. 18)
Corant(W. Lawes) (i. 22, modified)
Golden grove(i. 21, modified)
A jig(D. Mell) (i. 23–4, modified)
A jig(B. Rogers) (i. 10, modified)
The king’s delight(i. 12)
The Lord Monck’s march(i. 17)
Parthenia(i. 13)
The pleasant spring(i. 9)
The queen’s masque(masque dance) (i. 26–7, modified)
Saraband(B. Rogers) (i. 9)
The honeysuckle(107)
La Toulousaino
(Toulouse, n.d. [1899]):
The national anthem of the Republic of Namibia, Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia (28 Dec. 2018), 7–8:
Have you seen but a whyte lillie grow, Songs and Ballads of the Olden Time (New York, 1896):
The second of the lords(2) (ii. 18–19, modified)
The dying Californian(R. F. Ball and Drinkard) (160, modified)
With endless tears(188, modified)
Quoth John to Joan(33)
It was a lover and his lass(30–1)
It was a lover and his lass(consort version) (30–1, modified)
No, no, fair heretic(43–6)
Though I am young and cannot tell(40–1)
Why so pale?(47)
Moja pani matko
(130)Fly hence, shadows(155)
The Gypsies’ round(ii. 292, modified)
The honour of a London prentice(i. 57, modified)
Johnson’s medley(ii. 366–9)
John, come kiss me now(i. 47, modified)
Hymne du Mali
, Journal officiel de la Fédération du Mali (24 June 1960):
Le Réveil du peuple
, arr. C. M. [sic] Plantade ([Paris], n.d. [1795]):
Himno a Ceuta
(Astorga, 1934):
Skandinavisk sang
(Copenhagen, n.d. [1840]):
Manx national anthem: Arrane ashoonagh dy Vannin(Peel, Isle of Man, 1907):
Himno naciónal paraguayo: para piano y canto
(Buenos Aires, 1948):
I will not force my thoughts, ed. P. Warlock (London, n.d.):
Western wind(90–2, modified)
, Music & Letters, 43/4 (1962), 304–319:What if a day: an examination of the words and music
What if a day(305–6, modified)
The hymn of free Russia, arr. K. Schindler, G. Schirmer’s Secular Choruses (New York, 1917):
O gitarowych opracowaniach poloneza a-moll Pożegnanie ojczyzny
pochodzących z pierwszej połowy XIX wieku
, Muzyka, 69/1 (2024), 119–132:
Pożegnanie ojczyzny
(122–3)Cassation in G major: H. II:2; conductor’s score, ed. A. Hoffmann, Corona: Wekreihe für Kammerorchester, 51 (Wolfenbüttel, 1958; repr., Boca Raton, n.d.):
Ah, robin(original arrangement) (fos 53v–54r)
Ah, robin(67, modified)
Le Chant des Wallons
(Brussels, 1976):
My Tennessee(177–80)
My homeland, Tennessee) (172–3)
When it’s iris time in Tennessee) (174–6)
Płyniesz Olzo: hymn Polaków Śląska Zaolzańskiego
, Chór (Oct. 1938), supplement:
The sailors’ masque(No 10)
For ever let thy heavenly tapers(465, with thorough bass realisation from
For ever let thy heavenly tapers, Accessible Lute Music, modified)
The anthems of Thomas Ford (ca. 1580–1648), PhD diss., Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1989:
Oh, how my soul(303–7, modified)
Hark, hark(No 10)
My mistress’ masque(No 58)
The soldiers’ masque(No 66)
Ia ora ʼo Tahiti Nui
, Journal officiel de la Polynésie française (11 May 2016), 1962–3:
La Granadera
(13)Cast our caps and cares away(96–7)
Come, my Daphne(90–1, modified)
Disdain returned(99)
From the fair Lavinian shore(92–3)
My mind to me a kingdom is(alternate setting) (111)
Naprej zastava Slave!: slovenska pesen; transkripcija za glasovir
(Vienna, n.d. [c.1863–9]):
The European anthem: piano score(Mainz, 2000):
Pieśń narodowa za pomyślność Króla
, arr. W. Gorączkiewicz (Kraków, 1818):
Ticinesi son bravi soldà
(188–9)The lyra-viol music of Simon Ives, MPhil thesis, ii, University of Sydney, 1994:
The queen’s masque(antimasque dance, 2) (102)
Rice Davies’ masque(342–3, modified)
Deutsch-Österreich: Hymne
([Vienna], 1920):
O Death, rock me asleep(255–7)
Viola’s willow song: She never told her love, The Musical Times, 140/1868 (1999), 36–41:
She never told her love(37–9)
Korean old national hymn(Honolulu-Wahiawa, 1910):
De wijs van het Wilhelmus in 1574
, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 40 (1921), 259–67:
Divojčica potok gazi
(iii. 82–3)Nikaj na svetu
(iv. 99)Nikaj na svetu
(reconstruction) (iv. 99, modified)Oj Jelena, Jelena
(iii. 98)Ustaj, Ustaj, Srbine
(iv. 385–6)V jutro rano
(iii. 89)La Carmagnole
(Philadelphia, n.d. [1794]):
An old lover’s complaint(847–52)
The dying Californian, or, the brother’s request(Boston, 1855):
Anne Pitt’s masque(321–2)
Behold, how this conjunction thrives!(142–9)
Britanocles, the great and good appears(212–24)
Come away(108–9)
Hence, ye profane(88–91, with alto viol part from Sabol, Four Hundred, 109–10)
In envy to the Night(106–8)
Song of Galatea(225–32)
The song of valediction(150–69)
Symphony(W. Lawes, 2) and
Think not I could absent myself(97–104, with alto viol part from Sabol, Four Hundred, 116)
The valediction(233–43, modified)
Wherefore do my sisters stay?(92–96, with alto viol part from Sabol, Four Hundred, 112)
Whither so gladly and so fast(140–1)
Beautiful Jersey(Jersey, n.d.):
(No 35)The song of Australia, arr. E. H. Davies (Melbourne, 1934):
Himno nacional de Venezuela
(2nd edn, Caracas, 1883):
Come again, fair nature’s treasure(55–6)
Eliza is the fairest Queen(52–3)
In the merry month of May(J. Baldwin) (48–51)
The King’s goodnight(66–7)
The shadows darkening our intents(64–5)
Care-charming sleep(127–9, modified)
La música de la época de la Independencia
, Revista de Santander, 4 (2009), 132–7:
La libertadora
(133)La vencedora
(134)Kopala studienku
(38)Come, follow me, my wandering mates(No 4, modified)
Dido was the Carthage queen(No 5)
The farewell song(No 9, modified)
The Lords’ welcome(No 10, modified)
Now is the time(No 2, modified)
Robin is a lovely lad(No 6, modified)
Truth sprung from heaven(No 8)
Tune thy cheerful voice to mine(No 1, modified)
Arièjo, ô moun païs
(Villedieu-Vaison, n.d.):
Come away, Hecate(92–5)
In a maiden-time professed(90–1)
Back, shepherds, back(48–9, modified)
From the heavens now I fly(34–5, modified)
Noble lord and lady bright(50)
Now my task is smoothly done(54–5, modified)
Sabrina fair(42)
Sweet Echo(38–9, modified)
Hymn Pomorza: na chór mieszany
([Toruń], n.d. [1945]):
The pretty ploughboy(107, modified)
(44–5)De la tromba pavane(No 3, with lute part from GB-Cu Dd.3.18, fo. 40r)
The Earl of Essex his galiard(No 6, with lute part from GB-Cu Nn.6.36, fo. 34r)
The frog galliard(No 10, with lute part based on GB-Cu Dd.2.11, fo. 93r)
Lord Zouche’s masque(No 23)
Monsieur’s almain(No 15, with lute part from GB-Cu Dd.9.33, fo. 53v)
My Lord of Oxford’s masque(No 14, with lute part from GB-Cu Dd.3.18, fo. 20r)
Philips’ pavane(No 8, with lute part from GB-Cu Dd.3.18, fos 18v–19r)
Quadro pavane(No 1, with lute part from GB-Cu Dd.9.33, fo. 93v)
Botswana national anthem(Gaborone, n.d.):
Let’s have a dance(7, modified)
Der er et yndigt land
) (169–70)In commendation of music(3–4, modified)
Hino da Restauração
(ii. 74–5)Pod Krakowem czarna rola
(16–17)Hymne neuchâtelois: à trois voix égales
(La Chaux-de-Fonds, n.d. [c.1898]):
Hymn kaszubski
(Poznań, 1921):
My Michigan(Detroit, 1933):
Sick, sick(fo. 81r)
Willi Ostermann’s letztes Lied: Heimweh nach Köln
(Cologne, 1936):
Bessy Bell and Mary Gray(10, modified)
The Tasmanian national anthem([Hobart], n.d. [c.1879–90]):
Himno nacional de España
, Boletín Oficial del Estado (11 Oct. 1997), 29600:
Mr Lawes’ flat tune(77)
Vihreiden harjujen maa
, arr. Jarkko Kiiski (n.p., 1999):
Nouse Inkeri: Inkerin kansallishymni
, Juho Vesa’s archive, SKS KIA:
Mârše Melliye Irân: Salâmatiye Dowlate Aliyyeye Irân
, Asre Jadid (19 Sept. 1915), 9:
When as we sat in Babylon(240–3)
Almain(follow-up to
The Bull masque) (p. 182, modified)
Fair maid, are you walking?(fo. 72r)
Good morrow, valentine(fo. 15r)
A thousand kisses
(fo. 56v)The Jew’s dance(fo. 100v)
Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough and William of Cloudeslee(48, modified)
Beauties, have ye seen this toy(104)
Bonny Barbara Allan(99)
Death’s final conquest(57)
The downfall of Charing Cross(79, modified)
Gernutus, the Jew of Venice(53)
Lord Thomas and fair Ellinor(94)
Still to be neat(107, modified)
Victorious men of Earth(68–70)
Adson’s masque(1) (393–5, modified)
Adson’s masque(2) (395–6)
Adson’s masque(3) (397–8)
Ahay for and a ho(81–5, modified)
Antimasque(1) (511–13)
Antimasque(3) (280–1)
Antimasque(4) (280–1)
Antimasque(8) (320–2)
Antimasque(10) (315–17, modified)
The baboons’ dance(363–5)
The bears’ dance(414)
Bring away this sacred tree(76–7, modified)
Broxbournebury masque(1) (324)
Broxbournebury masque(2) (325–6)
The Bull masque(420–1)
(62)Buzz, quoth the blue fly
Comedian’s masque(297)
Come, noble nymphs(106–7)
Come, noble nymphs(alternate setting) (108)
The devils’ dance(390–3)
Did not you once, Lucinda, vow(147–50)
Do not expect to hear of all(105–6)
The Earl of Sussex’s delight(311–13)
Essex antic masque(326–8)
The first masque(289)
The first of my Lord of Essex(328–9)
The first of the lords(1) (349–51)
The first of the lords(2) (416, modified)
The first of the prince’s masque(341–2)
The first of the Temple(1) (366–7)
The first of the Temple(2) (405)
The first of the Temple antic(416–18)
The first of the queens’ masque(323–4)
The first witches’ dance(333–4)
The French king’s masque(309, modified, with bandora part from
The Matthew Holmes Consorts(bandora book), The Lute Society, No 1)
From the famous Peak of Derby(95–6)
Gentle knights(64–6)
Gray’s Inn masque, the first(383–4)
Gray’s Inn masque, the second(386–8)
Gray’s Inn masque, the third(388–90)
The God of love(410–12, modified)
The haymakers’ masque(404–5)
How near to good is what is fair!(70–1)
Is any deaf?(90–1)
Is any so spent(93–4)
I was not wearier(87–8)
The jolly shepherd(276–7)
The king’s masque(308, modified)
The knights’ masque(515)
Lady Hatton’s almain(294–5)
The last of the queens’ masque(306–7, modified)
Lord Hay’s masque(520–5)
Love is strange(499–500, modified)
Maids of the chamber(92–3)
A masque(1) (300–1, 501–2, modified)
A masque(3) (277–8, modified)
A masque(4) (279)
A masque(5) (281–2)
A masque(6) (282–3)
A masque(8) (283)
A masque(9) (284)
A masque(10) (285–6)
A masque(11) (286–7)
A masque(12) (288–9)
A masque(18) (292)
A masque(19) (307, modified)
A masque(related to
Anne Pitt’s masque) (290–1)
A masque in flowers(442–4)
A masque tune(293–4)
The maypole(379–82)
Mr Warwick’s masque(278)
My Lady Wroth’s masque(510)
Nan’s masque(293)
Nay, nay, you must not stay(62–3)
The nymphs’ dance(374–7)
Oh, what a fault(67–8)
Peggie Bell(401–2)
The second masque(290)
The second of my Lord of Essex(329–30)
The second of the lords(1) (352–4)
The second of the lords(2, British Library masque music MS version) (199, modified)
The second of the prince’s masque(342–4)
The second of the Temple(1) (367–9)
The second of the Temple(2) (406)
The second of the Temple antic(418–20)
The second witches’ dance(alternate version) (335)
Senses by unjust force banished(68–9)
The shepherds’ masque(218–19, modified)
Sir Francis Bacon’s first masque(402–3)
Somerset’s masque(298)
Steer hither, steer, your winged pines(86–7, modified)
Temple masque(314–15, modified, with thorough bass realisation partly from Lefkowitz, Trois Masques, 341–2, modified)
To the old, long life(97)
The third of my Lord of Essex(330–2)
The third of the lords(1) (355–8)
The third of the prince’s masque(345–7)
The third of the Temple(1) (371–2)
Welcome home(499)
What is’t you lack(89–90)
Why do you dwell so long(530–2, modified, with thorough bass realisation partly from Lefkowitz, Trois Masques, 105–6)
Why, this is a sport(98–101)
Williams’s love(407–9)
Woo her and win her(74–5)
Blackfriars masque(78–80)
Durrants masque(19)
The furies(5–6)
The king’s mistress(24–5)
Lady Lucy’s masque(7–8)
Lord Hay’s first masque(41)
Lord Hay’s second masque(45)
Mary Maudlin masque(81)
A masque(7) (78)
A re masque(32–4)
Waters’s love(30–1)
Wilson’s love(26–7)
A three-man song in Fulwell’s Like Will to Like at the Folger, Renaissance News, 10/3 (1957), 139–42:
Where like to like(141)
Two songs with accompaniment for an Elizabethan choirboy play, Studies in the Renaissance, 5 (1958), 145–59:
Love for such a cherry lip(158–9)
Olympiakos ymnos
(Athens, 1896):
Self-blinding error(27, modified)
Hark, hark, the lark(271–2, modified)
Full fathom five(R. Johnson) (223–4)
Where the bee sucks(R. Johnson) (225–6)
Get you hence(279–80, modified)
The lark in the morn(Somerset version) (107)
Lord Lovel(60–1)
The false bride(i. 40–1, modified)
Hymn województwa śląskiego
(Chicago, 1923):
Antimasque(9) (56)
The cadua(93)
The satyrs’ masque(40–2)
Qu’on soit jalouse
(36–9)Björneborgarnas marsch
(95)Dios salve a Honduras
(1) (123)Melodie nationale
(281–2)Pǔ tiān yuè(63)
Těšme se blahou nadějí
(43–4)Invocation à la Patrie d’Ignace Krasicki
([Paris], n.d. [1831]):
Adieu, fond love!(56–7)
The aged lover renounceth love(154, modified)
All of green willow(45–6, modified)
Come o’er the bourne, Bessy(181–3)
The old cloak(148, modified, own arrangement based on Scenery & Songs of Scotland (Edinburgh, n.d.))
The faithful lover(fo. 37r, modified)
Cupid is Venus’ only joy(149, modified)
Hence, all ye vain delights(171, modified)
My master is so wise(140–1)
All in a garden green(2, modified)
(Zürich, n.d.):
The George Alow(fo. 25r, modified)
Chœur des girondins
(Paris, n.d. [c.1860–70]):
Lawn as white as driven snow(30–1)
Light o’ love(11–12)
Oh! oh! oh! for a husband(7–8, modified)
Bateman’s masque(p. 5)
And will he not come again(4–5, modified)
Children in the wood/
I loathe that I did love(5–6, modified)
Doubt thou the stars are fire(7)
How should I your true love know(2–3, modified)
Tomorrow is St Valentine’s Day(3, modified)
When that I was and a little tiny boy(14–17, modified)
The apes’ dance at the Temple(29–30)
Broxbournebury masque(3) (28–9)
The cuckolds’ masque(21–2)
The fairy masque(15–16)
The first of the ladies(22)
The fourth of the ladies(25)
The goats’ masque(26–7)
The ladies’ masque(6)
The ladies’ second masque(7)
The ladies’ third masque(8, modified)
The second of the ladies(23, modified)
The tempest(18–19)
The third of the ladies(24)
The Temple antic(1) (2–3)
The Temple antic(2) (4–5)
LeDaṿid barukh
(2–3)Music for A Handefull of Pleasant Delites, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 10/3 (1957), 151–80:
Bandalashot galliard(174, modified)
Sigh no more ladies(7–10)
O, let us howl(212–13)
Ranz des vaches
(1710 version) (102–5)Aphsny abzyrd͡zy
, Ofit͡sialʹnyĭ saĭt Prezidenta Respubliki Abkhazii͡a.Makedonía xakoustí
, Mousiká enthýmia.Republic of Afghanistan(page 2),
Ware-ra ga Aichi
, Aichi-ken Kōshiki Webusaito.Kenmin no uta
, Bi no Kuni Akita Netto (modified).Akita kenmin-ka
, Bi no Kuni Akita Netto.Gimn Respubliki Altaĭ
, Prezidentskai͡a biblioteka imeni B. N. Elʹt͡sina.Amerika Samoa
(page 2, page 3),
Music strikes to awaken Hermione, New Variorum Shakespeare.
Antimasque(5), (6): Courtly Masquing Ayres, Werner Icking Music Collection, IMSLP.
Aoi mori no messeiji
, Aomori Kenchō Webusaito.Himno nacional argentino
, Wikimedia Commons.Muzykalʹnai͡a redakt͡sii͡a gimna Arkhangelʹskoĭ oblasti
, Obrazovanie Arkhangelʹskoĭ oblasti.Arrorró
: Canarias musical: Arrorró
, Fonoteca de Canarias.Australian national anthem: vocal score, The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
, Azərbaycan: dövlət rəmzləri və atributları, 2–5.National anthem of the Bahamas: March on, Bahamaland,
La balanguera
, Coral UIB.Heimatland
, Wikimedia Commons.Hino ao 2 de Julho
, Portal 2 de Julho.Hymn Barda
, Bardo: Miasto Cudów.Vajacki marš
, (modified).Hejnał miejski
, Informacja Turystyczna — Bielsko-Biała.Gimn Bri͡anskoĭ oblasti
, Pravitelʹstvo Bri͡anskoĭ oblasti.Flagi, herb, pieczęć herbowa i hejnał
, Gmina Burzenin.Hymne national du Burkina Faso
, Anyánk
(‘old’ South Transdanubian setting): Boldogasszony Anyánk II: déldunántúli “régi” dallam
, Kemenesaljai Életrajzi Lexikon.Nälkämaan laulu
, (modified).Hino oficial do Estado do Ceará: canto e piano
, Secretaria da Cultura.La Granadera
, IMSLP.Keski-Suomen kotiseutulaulu
, Keski-Suomen liitto.Chiba kenmin-ka
, Chiba-ken Hōmupeiji.Canción nacional chilena
, of five races under one union, Wikimedia Commons (modified).
Zhōngguó xióng lì yǔzhòu jiān
,, own arrangement based on Bái Yàn and Yì Lì, eds, Zhōngguó xióng lì yǔzhòu jiān: xuétáng yuègē jīng xuǎn (Beijing, 1991).National anthem of the Republic of China,
Come hither you that love:
The first booke of songs: keyboard edition, Steve Hendricks Music, 96–7 (modified).
The national anthem, Coptic Pharaonic Republic.
Cucuruz cu frunza-n sus
: Ultimul cântec al lui Ştefan cel Mare, în pericol!
,, kalino, w dole stoisz?
: Czego, kalino, w dole stoisz?
, Księgarnia iNuty.O vnesenii izmeneniĭ v Zakon Respubliki Dagestan O Gosudarstvennom gimne Respubliki Dagestan
, Prezidentskai͡a biblioteka imeni B. N. Elʹt͡sina.Gimn Respubliki Dagestan
, Blog kompozitora.Da zdravstvuet nasha derzhava
: Da zdravstvuet nasha derzhava
, Notnyĭ arkhiv Rossii.Dry those eyes: Ariel’s Songs in the Tempest, IMSLP (modified).
Statut gminy: miasto Działdowo
, Dziennik Urzędowy Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, 27.Himno nacional del Ecuador, Allende
, Issuu.Ehime no uta
, Ehime Kenchō Kōshiki Hōmupēji.Ya-ʼItyop̣yā ḥezb mazmur
,årt land
, Doria.Het Flevolands volkslied
, Provincie Flevoland.Shin Fukui kenmin-ka
, Fukui-ken Hōmupeiji.Fukushima-ken kenmin no uta
, Fukushima-ken Hōmupeiji.Ons Gelderland
, Jan Wolters Bladmuziek.Gifu kenmin no uta
, Gifu-ken Kōshiki Hōmupeiji.Symbole
, Gmina Głuchołazy.Gray’s Inn masque:
The greate booke of dances & songs, Steve Hendricks Music, 136–7 (modified).
Greensleeves, Accessible Lute Music (modified, with accompaniment from Ward,
Music for Handefull, 157).
The Guam hymn,
I am a young and harmless maid:
I am a young and harmless maid, The Renaissance Cittern Site.
Ibaraki kenmin no uta
, Ibaraki-ken.Ó, Guð vors lands: þjóðsöngur Íslendinga; f. piano (Es-dúr)
, Forsætisráðuneytið.I have a mare, they call her Brock:
New fashions, Fries Lachrimae Consort, 13–14 (modified).
I have a mare, they call her Brock(original version):
New fashions, Fries Lachrimae Consort, 13–14.
Hejnał Iławy
, Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia.Gimn Respubliki Ingushetii͡a
, Respublikanskiĭ dom narodnogo tvorchestva imeni zasluzhennogo artista RF K. A. Evloevoĭ.Ey Irân
, Irân piâno xâne.National anthem,
It is decreed(C. Morelli):
It is decreed. Nor shall thy fate, O Rome (setting 2), The Cambridge Works of Ben Jonson.
It is decreed(S. Pepys and J. Hingston):
It is decreed. Nor shall thy fate, O Rome (setting 1), The Cambridge Works of Ben Jonson.
Iwate kenmin no uta
, Iwate-ken Hōmupeiji.The Jew’s dance(R. Nicholson): The Matthew Holmes Consorts, The Lute Society, No 12.
Kagoshima kenmin no uta
, Kagoshima-ken Kōshiki Hōmupeiji.Insygnia Miasta Kalisza
, Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej Urzędu Miasta Kalisza.Hikari arata ni
, Kanagawa-ken Hōmupeiji.Karen national anthem,
Zemia Rodnô
): Zemia rodnô
, Kaszëbskô Jednota.Symbole miasta
, Katowice: dla odmiany.The national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Partita.
Kenya national anthem, Tim and Lara Beth’s Kenya Page.
Symbole miasta
, Oficjalna strona internetowa Miasta Kielce.Kōchi kenmin no uta
, Kōchi-ken.Himni i Kosovës
[for modern orchestra], KosovoThanksYou (modified).Hymn Krajny
, Kocham Łobżenicę.Kymenlaakson laulu
, PSR valsts himna
, Wikimedia Commons.Kymmenen virran maa
, Bells webstore.Lietuviais esame mes gimę
, Dainų šventė.Uchwała w sprawie zmiany Statutu Miasta Łodzi
, Biuletyn informacji publicznej Łódź.Hymn Gminy Lubicz
, Dziennik Urzędowy Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego.Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!
, Etienne Ramboatiana (Bouboul) et la guitare classique malagasy.Negara ku
, Respubliki Mariĭ Ėl
, Prezidentskai͡a biblioteka imeni B. N. Elʹt͡sina.A masque(14), (15), (16), (17): Courtly Masquing Ayres, Werner Icking Music Collection, IMSLP.
Hymn Gminy Michałowo
, Dziennik Urzędowy Województwa Podlaskiego.Miyazaki kenmin-ka
, Miyazaki-ken.Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova
, Președinția Republicii Moldova.Moldova SSR anthem 1945–1980, Anton Van Oosbree (chorus).
Molytva za Ukraïnu
: Prayer for Ukraine: Lord, oh the great and almighty!, Wikimedia Commons.
Motherland: Montserrat’s national song(page 2),
Gimn Respubliki Mordovii͡a
, Prezidentskai͡a biblioteka imeni B. N. Elʹt͡sina.Kenka Shinano no kuni
, Nagano-ken Kōshiki Hōmupeiji.Nagano kenmin-ka
, Nagano-ken Kōshiki Hōmupeiji.Hymne de la Nouvelle Calédonie
, Vice-rectorat de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.Historia de los himnos nacionales de Nicaragua
, Arte y Cultura MINED, 13:46–56.Pitcairn anthem: Come ye blessed,
Het Noord-Hollands volkslied
, Provincie Noord-Holland.Lied für NRW[Chorsatz+] and [Klaviersatz+], ChorVerband NRW.
Norges skaal
, Den norske Studentersangforening (modified).O Death, rock me asleep(alternate setting):
O Death, rock me asleep, CPDL.
Okinawa kenmin no uta
, Okinawa-ken Kōshiki Hōmupeiji.Hymn Ornontowic
, Portal Gminy Ornontowice.Orpheus with his lute:
Orpheus with his lute, Sheet Music Plus (modified).
: Pahonia
, Pfälzer Lied
, Pfalzfahne.Hino: partitura
, Secretaria de Estado da Cultura.Płońsk: hejnał miasta
, Portal Płońsk.Počkaj ma, šuhajko
: Počkaj ma, šuhajko, na telgartskom moste
[pre akordeón], Pesničky pre všetkých.Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła: głos z fortepianem
, Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.Hino do município (de Ponta Grossa)
, Prefeitura Municipal de Ponta Grossa.Hino a D. João
, Musica Brasilis (modified).Zavičaju, tebi
, Primorsko-goranska županija.Prince of Denmark’s march:
The Prince of Denmark’s march: round’o, Werner Icking Music Collection, IMSLP.
Hymn Gminy Puławy
, Gmina Puławy.Rabochai͡a Marselʹeza
: Pesni͡a Rabochai͡a Marselʹeza
: istorii͡a sozdanii͡a; noty
, Russkie pesni: Istorii͡a; Kulʹtura; Sovremennostʹ.Moja Republika: za mješoviti hor a capella
, Narodna skupština Republike Srpske.Hino Rio-Grandense do Norte
, Musica Brasilis.Gimn Rostovskoĭ oblasti
, Ofit͡sialʹnyĭ portal Pravitelʹstva Rostovskoĭ oblasti.Aan Rotterdam
, Jan Wolters Bladmuziek.Row well, ye mariners:
The first booke of songs: ensemble edition, Steve Hendricks Music, 24–5 (modified).
Saint Lucia’s national anthem, Government of Saint Lucia.
Saitama kenka
, Saitama-ken.Schönhengster Gaulied
, Johann Neudert.The second of the queens’ masque:
Brand: the second of the Queen’s masque, The Cambridge Works of Ben Jonson.
See, see, oh, see, who here is come a-maying!:
See, see, oh, see, who here is come a-maying!, The Cambridge Works of Ben Jonson.
Shizuoka kenka
, Shizuoka-ken Kōshiki Hōmupeiji.Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone Web.
Majulah Singapura: for solo voice and piano, National Heritage Board.
Majulah Singapura!: original version in staff notation, SG101, own arrangement based on
Majulah Singapura: for solo voice and piano, National Heritage Board.
Hymn Skawiny
, Urząd Miasta i Gminy w Skawinie.The Spanish Gypsy:
The first booke of songs: ensemble edition, Steve Hendricks Music, 124–5.
Mien Prignitzland
, Landkreis Prignitz.Serbska hymna
, Serbja.Kadi zaræg
(page 2), Galle isch mis Heimatland
, Familie Steiner.Het Surinaams volkslied
, Overheid van de Republiek Suriname.Hejnał
, Suwałki.Svatováclavský chorál
(plainchant version): Svatý Václave
, Kancionál.Kungssången
,âi-oân chhùi-chhiⁿ
: Tâi-oân Chhùi-chhiⁿ: Taiwan the Formosa, Tīn Jyi-giokk Tâi-gú Chhòng-chok Si-koa.
Sansœ̄n sư̄a pā
, Chumbhot-Pantip Foundation (modified).Thüringen, holdes Land
, Thüringer Komponisten.Tōkyō toka
, Tōkyō-to Seikatsu Bunka Supōtsu Kyoku.680-lecie Tuchowa: nowe brzmienie tuchowskiego hejnału
, Tuchów.İstiklâl Marşı
, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı.Garaşsyz, bitarap Türkmenistanyň döwlet gimni
, Johan Schoone.This land of ours,
Twents volkslied
, Jan Wolters Bladmuziek.Inno del Re
, Fondazione il Giglio.Udmurt Ėlʹkunlėn Kunkrezez: khoren fortepʹi͡anoly klavir
(page 2, page 3), Gosudarstvennye simvoly Rossii.Himno al Valle del Cauca
, (modified).These green mountains, Vermont Arts Council.
Wakayama kenmin-ka
, Wakayama-ken.Hymn Warmii
, Międzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Chóralnej.Westpreußenlied
, Heimatkreis Rosenberg / Westpreußen.Śpij kolego, Cisza, Hejnał Warszawski
, is Silvia?:
Gesang (An Sylvia)
, IMSLP.Woods, rocks and mountains:
Woods, rocks, and mountains, Accessible Lute Music (modified).
A wooing song of a yeoman of Kent’s son:
I have house and land in Kent, Modern Editions of The Music of Thomas Ravenscroft.
Hejnał Wrocławia
, Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej Urzędu Miejskiego Wrocławia.Yamaguchi kenmin no uta
, Yamaguchi-ken Hōmupeiji.O gimne I͡amalo-Nenet͡skogo avtonomnogo okruga
, Ėlektronnyĭ fond pravovykh i normativno-tekhnicheskikh dokumentov.Yamanashi-ken no uta
, Yamanashi-ken Kōshiki Hōmupeiji.Yemen (North): Arab Republic, National Anthems of the World Organisation.
Ordinance No 396, Oficina del Consejo Local.
Zanzibar, National Anthems of the World Organisation.
Barwy i herb
, Miasto Zduńska Wola.Zeeuws-Vlaams volkslied
, Jan Wolters Bladmuziek.Insygnia miejskie
, Urząd Miasta Żory.Files based on sources that I can no longer find or that are no longer available on the internet. I have provided copies of those that I have saved in my sheet music archive, should anyone need them.
Ukochany kraj
(copy)W Staromieściu
Waltzing Matilda(4)
Bacca pipes jig(modified)
Address to the ladies
The anacreontic song
Barbara Allen
The Barnyards o’ Delgaty(modified)
Bay of Biscay, oh
Blow the candle out
Brave Paulding and the spy
Broom of the Cowdenknows
Country garden(modified)
Drowsy sleeper
The dying Californian(traditional)
I once loved a lass
Lizie Wan
The miller, weaver and little tailor
The minstrel boy
The Moorlough Shore
Napoleon Bonaparte
Revolutionary tea
The ploughboy
The silver pin
The trapanned maiden
Waltzing Matilda(3)
My mind to me a kingdom is(modified, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported)
Arm, arm!(modified)
Away, delights!(modified)
Come ashore(modified)
Come away, thou lady gay(modified)
Go, happy man(modified)
Lady Phyllis’s masque(modified)
Lord Hay’s corant(modified)
A masque(2) (modified)
A masque(13) (modified)
The noble man(modified)
The second of the lords(2, Board lute book version) (modified)
The standing masque(modified)
Tell me, dearest(modified)
While dancing rests(modified)
(modified)Gunkan kōshinkyoku
(1)Keranamu Malaysia
Antimasque(7) (modified)
Cease these false sports(modified)
Come away; bring thy golden theft(modified)
Come away, come away(modified)
Had those that dwell in error foul(modified)
If all these Cupids(modified)
It was no policy of court(modified)
A masque(Lord Hay’s Masque, 1) (modified)
A masque(Lord Hay’s Masque, 2) (modified)
Move now with measured sound(modified)
Now hath Flora robbed her bowers(modified)
So beauty on the waters stood(modified)
Up, merry mates!(modified)
Welcome, black Night(modified)
When all the ages of the earth(modified)
Why stays the bridegroom to invade(modified)
Yes, were the Loves(modified)
Hino da Maçonaria
(4)Guihaume, Tòni, Pèire
Die beiden Grenadiere
(CC0 1.0 Universal, modified)Jezu, miłości Twej
(public domain)Abide with me
Belai͡a akat͡sii͡a
Csak egy szép lány
Den blomstertid nu kommer
Eestimaa, mu isamaa
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
Gud, som haver barnen kär
Hoia, Jumal, Eestit
I͡a li͡ubli͡u tebi͡a, zhiznʹ
Jääkärin laulu
Jo Karjalan kunnailla
Jos sais kerran reissullansa
Joulupuu on rakennettu
Kalevalainen vieraan tervehdys
Karavīri bēdājās
Kaunimad laulud
Kolʹ slaven nash Gospodʹ v Sione
The last rose of summer
Li͡ubovʹ k rodine
Matalan torpan balladi
Min Platz vær Dær
Mu isamaa on minu arm
Mūsu zeme
Nu ar Dievu, Vidzemīte
Pūgõ, tūļ
Püha, põline ja üllas
Reve ta stohne Dnipr shyrokyĭ
Rīga dimd
Saaremaa valss
Schönster Herr Jesu
Sind surmani
Su Põhjamaa päikese kullast
Sun kätes, Herra, voimakkaan
Sylvias hälsning från Sicilien
Synnyinmaan laulu
Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen
Tartu marss
Tuonne taakse metsämaan
Uudelleen jos luokses tulla voisin
Varjele, vakainen Luoja
Viken, tidens flyktiga minnen
Das Treuelied
(CPDL License, modified)Joan, quoth John
(1)Marsh leĭb-gvardii Preobrazhenskogo polka
Warszawianka (1905 roku)
Waltzing Matilda(2)
Ah ! ça ira
Artiljerija, Bosanac bekrija
Beautiful mess
Bim bam boy
Boże, coś Polskę
(1)Boże, coś Polskę
(1)Yankee Doodle, 1) (modified)
Yankee Doodle, 2)
Yankee Doodle, 3)
Czerwone maki na Monte Cassino
Daylight in your eyes
(2)Dōngfāng hóng
(1)Ein bisschen Frieden
(1)Ein bisschen Frieden
(2)Eres tú
(1)Eres tú
Everyway that I can
Gaudeamus igitur
Gaude, mater Polonia
Gēchàng Zǔguǒ
(1)Gēchàng Zǔguǒ
(2)Góralu, czy ci nie żal?
Hej, bystra woda
Hej, sokoły
Hino da Maçonaria
(1)Hino da Maçonaria
(2)Hino da Maçonaria
Idzie dysc
(1)Idzie dysc
(2)Kōngjūn jūngē
Land of hope and glory(3)
Land of hope and glory(4)
Le Chant des partisans
Lietuva brangi
Mahutny Boža
Marcha de Oriamendi
Maréchal, nous voilà !
Marsz I korpusu
Marsz Polonii
(1)Marsz Polonii
(2)Marsz Sokołów
Ma se ghe penso
Méiyǒu Gòngchǎndǎng jiù méiyǒu xīn Zhōngguó
Merci, Chérie
(1)Merci, Chérie
(2)Subways of your mind(2)
Subways of your mind(3)
My, Pierwsza Brygada
(1)My, Pierwsza Brygada
Nek’ ti bude ljubav sva
Occidentali’s karma
O du Liebe meiner Liebe
Ooh aah… just a little bit
Pesni͡a o Rodine
Pesni͡a o Sovetskoĭ armii
Pierwsza Kadrowa
Pije Kuba do Jakuba
Płonie ognisko
Poupée de cire, poupée de son
Rivers of Babylon
Roses Are Red
Rule, Britannia!(public domain)
Run away(1)
Run away(2)
Scotland the brave
Show me your love
Spread the word around
Sto lat
SuvwI’ van bom
Szara piechota
(1)Szara piechota
(2) Szózat
und ungarischer Hymnus
Szła dzieweczka
Tarzan & Jane
Rocky Top)
Tennessee waltz, 2)
This is the day
To nie ja!
Vande Mātaram
Vem kan segla förutan vind?
Waltzing Matilda(6)
West Virginia hills)
(2)Warszawianka (1831 roku)
Witaj, majowa jutrzenko
Wlazł kotek na płotek
(1)Wlazł kotek na płotek
(2)Xiànbīng zhīgē
Yáng jiā jiàng zhǔtí
Zhōngguó Rénmín Zhìyuànjūn zhàngē
New York, our Empire State