Other anthems

International anthems

Americas Himno de las Américas MIDI file Lyrics
Esperanto La espero MIDI karaoke file MIDI file MIDI file Lyrics
Europe MIDI file
FIDE MIDI file Lyrics
Olympics Olympiakós ýmnos MIDI file Lyrics
United Nations Hymn to the United Nations MIDI file Lyrics

Local and ethnic anthems and patriotic songs

This page lists local and ethnic anthems and patriotic songs from countries that do not have their own pages. If you are looking for a country that does, check the list below:

Local anthems

Argentina Bahía Blanca MIDI file Lyrics
Tierra del Fuego Marcha de las Malvinas MIDI karaoke file Lyrics
Belgium Flanders De Vlaamse Leeuw MIDI karaoke file MIDI file MIDI file Lyrics
Wallonia Le Chant des Wallons MIDI file Lyrics
Bolivia Cochabamba department MIDI file Lyrics
Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska Moja Republika MIDI file Lyrics
Ecuador Babahoyo MIDI file Lyrics
Greece Aegean Macedonia Makedonía xakoustí MIDI file Lyrics
Mexico Zacatecas Marcha de Zacatecas MIDI file Lyrics
Papua New Guinea Bougainville My Bougainville MIDI file Lyrics
Taiwan Nantou county MIDI file Lyrics
Transnational Assyria Rúmrāmā MIDI file Lyrics
Cieszyn Silesia Płyniesz Olzo po dolinie MIDI file Lyrics
Kurdistan Ey reqîb MIDI file Lyrics
St Martin O, sweet Saint Martin’s Land MIDI file Lyrics
Sápmi Sámi soga lávlla MIDI file Lyrics
Ukraine Crimea MIDI file Lyrics

Ethnic anthems

Myanmar Karen people Y’pğā k’lụ̈ yè ḥö MIDI file Lyrics
Namibia German Namibians Südwesterlied MIDI file Lyrics
Romania Transylvanian Saxons Siebenbürgenlied MIDI file Lyrics
Transnational Baltic Germans Heimatland MIDI file Lyrics

Patriotic songs

Belarus Pahonia unofficial anthem of free Belarus MIDI file Lyrics
Honduras Dios salve a Honduras used in lieu of a national anthem in the late 19th c. MIDI file MIDI file
Hungary Szózat the second national anthem of Hungary MIDI file Lyrics
India Vande Mātaram the national song of India MIDI file Lyrics
Jersey Beautiful Jersey
Man bieau p’tit Jèrri
unofficial national anthem MIDI file Lyrics
Korea, North Kim Ilsŏng Janggunŭi norae de facto national anthem in North Korea MIDI file Lyrics
Latvia Mūsu zeme MIDI file Lyrics
Macedonia, North Marš na makedonskite revolucioneri MIDI file Lyrics
Montenegro Onamo, ’namo! MIDI file Lyrics
Norway Norges fjelde MIDI file Lyrics
Serbia Marš Na Drinu MIDI file
Ustaj, ustaj, Srbine MIDI file Lyrics
Slovenia Naprej, zastava slave anthem of the Slovene Armed Forces MIDI file Lyrics
Vietnam Chào mừng Đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam MIDI file Lyrics
Lên đàng official song of the Vietnam Youth Federation MIDI file Lyrics

Anthems of micronations

Micronations are entities that have a state-like organisation. However, they are not actual states. They usually borrow the melody of an existing national anthem or piece of classical music, often with new lyrics, e.g. Molossia using the melody of Zaire (1971–1997) or Scholandia using the melody of J. Thommen’s O du Liebe meiner Liebe. This page only lists anthems that are original compositions, mostly as a curiosity and for comparison with anthems of actual states.

Aerial City MIDI file
Coptic Pharaonic Republic MIDI file Lyrics
Redonda God who gave our Island soil MIDI file Lyrics
Sealand E mare libertas MIDI file
Wandystan Wandowie! Socjalizm albo śmierć! MIDI file

Fictional anthems

Anthems that exist only in fictional works, such as films, television series, video games, etc.

Kazakhstan O Kazakhstan from the film Borat MIDI file Lyrics
United Federation of Planets from the Star Trek television series MIDI file

Bad sequences

Just for fun – MIDI sequences that sound terrible and therefore are not linked on any other page.

Belarus MIDI file MIDI file Lyrics
Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992–1998) Jedna si jedina MIDI file Lyrics
Kyrgyzstan MIDI file Lyrics
Romania (1884–1948) MIDI file Lyrics
Tajikistan MIDI file Lyrics
Uzbekistan MIDI file Lyrics

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