God who gave our Island soil

1. O God who gave our Island soil
in trust for ever more;
Grant grace that by our faith and toil
we hold our heirloom pure.
The glorious culture of our folk
preserve in our hearts with undying flame,
that neither alien creed nor yoke
shall hold our race in shame.
O God who gave us blood and soil,
grant strength that ever more;
Through steadfast faith, in thought and toil
the wonder shall endure.

2. O grant that now our glorious dead
inspire us in this hour;
In those who from our loins are bred imbue
their spirit’s power.
O may their wondrous beacon light
shine forth on our way never more to cease,
that we may build a future bright
of freedom and of peace.
O grant our land their hallowed place,
may ever fertile be,
Its beauty the treasure of our race
till Thine eternity.

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