Lord Lovel

1. Lord Lovel he stood at his castle-gate,
Combing his milk-white steed,
When up came Lady Nancy Belle,
‖: To wish her lover good speed. :‖

2. Where are you going, Lord Lovel? she said,
Oh where are you going? said she.
I’m going, my Lady Nancy Belle,
‖: Strange countries for to see.

3. When will you be back, Lord Lovel? she said,
Oh when will you come back? said she.
In a year, or two, or three at the most,
‖: I’ll return to my fair Nancy.

4. But he had not been gone a year and a day,
Strange countries for to see,
When languishing thoughts came into his head,
‖: Lady Nancy Belle he would go see. :‖

5. So he rode, and he rode, on his milk-white steed,
Till he came to London town,
And there he heard St. Pancras’ bells,
‖: And the people all mourning round. :‖

6. Oh what is the matter? Lord Lovel he said,
Oh what is the matter? said he;
A lord’s lady is dead, a woman replied,
‖: And some call her Lady Nancy. :‖

7. So he ordered the grave to be opened wide,
And the shroud he turnèd down,
And there he kissed her clay-cold lips,
‖: Till the tears came trickling down. :‖

8. Lady Nancy she died, as it might be, today,
Lord Lovel he died as tomorrow;
Lady Nancy she died out of pure, pure grief,
‖: Lord Lovel he died out of sorrow. :‖

9. Lady Nancy was laid in St. Pancras’ Church,
Lord Lovel was laid in the choir;
And out of her bosom there grew a red rose,
‖: And out of her lover’s a briar. :‖

10. They grew, and they grew, to the church-steeple top,
And then they could grow no higher;
So there they entwined in a true-lovers’ knot,
‖: For all lovers true to admire. :‖

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