Fortune, my foe

1. Fortune, my foe, why dost thou frown on me?
And will my favours never greater be?
‖: Wilt thou, I say, forever breed me pain?
And wilt thou ne’er restore my joys again? :‖

2. Fortune hath wrought me grief and great annoy,
Fortune has falsely stole my love away.
‖: My love and joy, whose sight did make me glad;
Such great misfortunes never young man had. :‖

3. Had fortune took my treasure and my store,
Fortune had never grieved me half so sore,
‖: But taking her whereon my heart did stay,
Fortune thereby hath took my life away. :‖

4. Far worse than death, my life I lead in woe,
With bitter thoughts still tossed to and fro,
‖: O cruel Chance, thou breeder of my pain,
Take life, or else restore my love again. :‖

5. In vain I sigh, in vain I wail and weep;
In vain mine eyes refrain from quiet sleep;
‖: In vain I shed my tears both night and day,
In vain my love, my sorrow do bewray. :‖

6. My love doth not my piteous plaint espy,
Nor feels my love what gripping grief I try:
‖: Full well may I false Fortune’s deeds reprove,
Fortune, that so unkindly keeps my love. :‖

7. Where should I seek or search my love to find,
When fortune fleets and wavers as the wind:
‖: Sometimes aloft, sometimes again below,
Thus tottering Fortune tottereth to and fro. :‖

8. Then I will leave my love in fortune’s hands,
My dearest love, in most unconstant bands,
‖: And only serve the sorrows due to me,
Sorrow, hereafter though shalt my Mistress be. :‖

9. And only joy, that sometimes conquers kings
Fortune that rules on earth, and earthly things,
‖: So that alone I live not in this woe,
For many more hath Fortune served so. :‖

10. No man alive can Fortune’s spite withstand,
With wisdom, skill, or mighty strength of hand;
‖: In midst of mirth she bringeth bitter moan,
And woe to me that hath her hatred known. :‖

11. If wisdom’s eyes blind Fortune had but seen,
Then had my Love, my Love forever been:
‖: Then, love, farewell, though Fortune favor thee,
No Fortune frail shall ever conquer me. :‖

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