Tune thy cheerful voice to mine

1. Tune thy cheerful voice to mine,
Music helps digesting.
Music is as good as wine,
And as fit for feasting.
Melody now is needful here,
It will help to mend our cheer.
Join then, one joy expressing,
Here is a guest for whose content,
All excess were sparing.
All to him present
Hourly new delights preparing.

Joy at thy board, health in thy dish,
Mirth in thy cup; and in thy bed
Soft sleep and pleasing rest we wish.

2. Earth, and air, and sea consent
In thy entertaining.
All is old which they present,
Yet all choice containing.
Music alone the soul can feast,
It being new and well expressed,
Join then sweet chords enchaining.
Could we to our wished ends aspire,
Joy should crown thy dishes,
Proud is our desire,
If thou dost accept our wishes:


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