Truth sprung from heaven

Truth sprung from heaven shall shine
With her beams divine
On all thy land,
‖: And there for ever steadfast stand. :‖

Lovely peace,
Spring of increase,
Shall like a precious gem
‖: Adorn thy royal diadem. :‖

Love that binds
Loyal minds
Shall make all hearts agree
‖: To magnify thy state and thee. :‖

Honour that proceeds
Out of noble deeds
Shall wait on thee alone,
‖: And cast a sacred light about thy throne. :‖

Long shall thy three crowns remain
Blessed in thy long-lived reign.
Thy age shall like fresh youth appear,
‖: And perpetual roses bear. :‖

Many on earth thy days shall be;
But endless thy posterity,
‖: And matchless thy posterity. :‖

Truth, peace, love, honour and long life attend
Thee and all those that from thy loins descend!
With us the angels in this chorus meet.
So, humbly prostrate at thy sacred feet,
Our nightly sports and prophecies we end.

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