Up, merry mates!

1. Up, merry mates! To Neptune’s praise
Your voices high advance.
The watery nymphs shall dance;
And Aeolus shall whistle to your lays.
Steerman, how stands the wind?
Full north-north-east.
What course?
Full south-south-west.
No worse,
And blow so fair?
Then ‖: sink :‖ (×4) despair!
Come solace to the mind,
Ere night ‖: we shall :‖ the haven find.
O happy days! ‖: Who may :‖ contain,
But swell with proud disdain
When seas are smooth, sails full, and all things please?

2. Stay, merry mates! Proud Neptune lowers!
Your voices all deplore you;
The nymphs stand weeping o’er you;
And Aeolus and Iris bandy showers.
Boatsman, haul in the boat.
Hark, hark! the rattlings!
’Tis hail.
Make fast the tacklings.
Strike sail.
Make quick despatches;
Shut ‖: close :‖ (×3) the hatches;
Hold stern, cast anchor out,
This night ‖: we shall :‖ at random float.
O dismal hours! ‖: Who can :‖ forbear
But sink with sad despair
When seas are rough, sails rent, and each thing lowers?

The golden mean that constant spirit bears
In such extremes, that nor presumes nor fears.

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