Maids of the chamber

1. Maids of the chamber or of the kitchen,
If you be troubled with an itchin’,
Come give me but a kiss or two,
And here is that shall soon cure you.

Nor Galen nor Hippocrates,
Did ever do such cures as these.

2. Cracked maids that cannot hold your water,
Or use to break wind in your laughter,
Or be you vext with kibes, with corns,
I’ll cure, or cuckolds of their horns.


3. If lusty sis, maid of the dairy,
Chance to be blue-nipped by the fairy
For making butter with her tail,
I’ll give her that did never fail.


4. Or if some worse mischance betide her,
Or that the nightmare override her,
Or if she tell all in a dream,
I’ll help her for a mess of cream.


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