Did not you once, Lucinda, vow

Shepherd Did not you once, Lucinda, vow
You would have none but me?
Lucinda Aye, but my mother tells me now
I must love wealth, not thee.
Shepherd ’Tis not my fault my sheep are lean,
Or that they are so few.
Lucinda Nor mine. I cannot love so mean,
So poor a thing as you.
Shepherd‖: Cruel, :‖ thy love is in thy power,
Fortune is not in mine.
Lucinda But shepherd, think how great my dower
Is in respect of thine.
Shepherd‖: Ah me! :‖
Lucinda Ah me!
Shepherd Mock you my grief?
Lucinda I pity thy hard fate.
Shepherd Pity for love ‖: is poor relief, :‖ (×3)
I’d rather choose thy hate.
Lucinda‖: But I must love thee.
Shepherd No. :‖
Lucinda‖: Believe.
Shepherd No. :‖
Lucinda I’ll seal it with a kiss,
‖: And give thee no more cause to grieve
Than what thou findst in this. :‖
Both‖: Be witness then :‖ you powers above,
And by these holy bands,
Let it appear that truest love
‖: Grows not from wealth :‖ (×5) or lands.

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