Now the spring is come

1. Now the spring is come, turn to thy love,
‖: To thy love, :‖ (×3) without delay!
Where the flowers spring, and birds do sing
‖: Their sweet tunes: :‖ (×3) do not stay!
Where I shall fill thy lap with flowers,
And cover thee with shady bowers.

Come away, ‖: come away,
Come away, and do not stay! :‖

2. Shall I languish still for thy love,
‖: For thy love, :‖ (×3) without relief?
Shall my faith, so well approved,
‖: Now despair, :‖ (×3) with my grief?
Where shall virtue then be found
But where duty doth abound?


3. Flora here hath made a bed for my love,
‖: For my love, :‖ (×3) of roses red.
Phoebus’ beams to stay are bent,
‖: For to yield :‖ (×3) my love content,
And the pleasant eglantine
Mixed with a thousand flowers fine.


4. Hark! the nightingale doth sing
‖: For my love, :‖ (×3) and the woods do ring;
Pan, to please my love, always
‖: Pipeth there :‖ (×3) his roundelays;
And the pleasant rushy brooks,
And every flower, for my love looks.


5. Beauty’s queen, with all her train,
‖: Doth attend :‖ (×3) my love upon the plain;
Tripping satyrs dancing move
‖: Delight, :‖ (×3) delight my beauteous love;
The muses nine, with music sweet,
Do all attend my love to meet.


6. Fairest fair! then turn to thy love,
‖: To thy love :‖ (×3) that loves thee best!
Let sweet pity move, grant love for love;
‖: Like the dove, :‖ (×3) let our love for ever rest!
Crown my desires with a thousand joys!
Thy love revives, thy hate destroys!


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