What is’t you lack

What is’t you lack, what would you buy?
What is it that you need?
Come to me, gallants, taste and try,
‖: Here’s that will do, :‖ (×3) will do the deed.

1. Here’s water to quench maiden fires.
Here’s spirits for old occupiers.
Here’s powder to preserve youth long.
Here’s oil to make weak sinews strong.


2. This powder doth preserve from fate,
This cureth the maleficiate.
Lost maidenheads this doth restore,
And makes them virgins as before.


3. Here’s cure for bone-ache, fever hardens
Unlawful or untimely burdens,
Diseases of all sexes, all ages,
This medicine cureth or assuages.


4. I have receipts to cure the gout,
To keep pox in or put them out,
To cool hot bloods, cold bloods to warm,
Shall do you, if no good, no harm.


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