Now hath Flora robbed her bowers

1. Now hath Flora robbed her bowers
To befriend this place with flowers;
Strow about, strow about,
The sky rained never kindlier showers.
Flowers with bridals well agree,
Fresh as brides and bridegrooms be,
Strow about, strow about,
And mix them with fit melody.
‖: Earth hath no princelier flowers
Than roses white and roses red,
But they must still be mingled;
And as a rose new-plucked from Venus’ thorn,
So doth a bride her bridegroom’s bed adorn;
And as a rose new-plucked from Venus’ thorn,
So doth a bride her bridegroom’s bed adorn. :‖

2. Divers divers flowers affect
For some private dear respect;
Strow about, strow about,
Let every one his own protect;
But he’s none of Flora’s friend
That will not the rose commend;
Strow about, strow about,
Let princes princely flowers defend.
‖: Roses, the garden’s pride,
Are flowers for love and flowers for kings,
In courts desired and weddings;
And as a rose in Venus’ bosom worn,
So doth a bridegroom his bride’s bed adorn;
And as a rose in Venus’ bosom worn,
So doth a bridegroom his bride’s bed adorn. :‖

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