Dido was the Carthage queen

1. Dido was the Carthage queen
And loved the Trojan knight,
That, wandering, many coasts had seen,
And many a dreadful sight.
As they on hunting rode, a shower
Drave them in a loving hour
Down to a darksome cave;
Where Aeneas with his charms
Locked Queen Dido in his arms,
And had what he could have.

2. Dido Hymen’s rites forgot;
Her love was winged with haste;
Her honour she considered not,
But in her breast him placed;
And when her love was new begun,
Jove sent down his winged son
To fright Aeneas’ sleep,
Bade him by the break of day
From Queen Dido steal away,
Which made her wail and weep.

3. Dido wept. But what of this?
The gods would have it so.
Aeneas nothing did amiss,
For he was forced to go.
Learn, lordings, then no faith to keep
With your loves, but let them weep;
Tis folly to be true.
Let this story serve your turn,
And let twenty Didos burn
So you get daily new!

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