Is any deaf?

1. Is any deaf? Is any blind?
Is any bound or loose behind?
Is any foul that would be fair?
Would any lady change her hair?
Does any dream? Does any walk?
Or in his sleep affrighted talk?

⸢I come to cure⸣* what ere you feel,
Within, without, from head to heel.

2. Be drums or rattles in thy head?
Are not thy brains well-temperèd?
Does Eolus thy stomach gnaw?
Or breed strange vermin in thy maw?
Doest thou desire and canst not please?
Lo, here’s the best cantharides.


3. Even all diseases that arise,
From ill-disposed crudities,
From too much study, too much pain,
From laziness, and from a strain,
From any humour doing harm,
Be it dry, or moist, or cold, or warm.


4. Of lazy gout I cure the rich,
I rid the beggar of the itch,
I fleam avoid both thick and thin,
I dislocated joints put in,
I can old age to youth restore,
And do a thousand wonders more.


* After the last verse: Then come to me.

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