Welcome, black Night

1. Welcome, black Night, Hymen’s fair Day!
‖: Help :‖ (×3) Hymen Love’s due debt to pay.
Love’s due debt is chaste delight,
Which if ‖: the turtles :‖ (×3) want to-night
Hymen forfeits his deity,
And Night in love her dignity.
‖: Help, help, black Night, Hymen’s fair Day,
Help Hymen, help Hymen Love’s due debt to pay. :‖

Hymen, O Hymen! mine
Of treasures more divine,
What deity is like to thee
That freest from mortality?

2. Stay, happy pair, stay but awhile,
‖: Hymen :‖ comes not Love to beguile.
These sports are alluring baits,
And sauce ‖: are to Love’s :‖ (×3) sweetest cates.
Longing hope doth no hurt but this,
It heightens Love’s attained bliss.
‖: Then stay, most happy, stay awhile,
Hymen comes, Hymen comes not Love to beguile. :‖


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