Come ashore

1. ‖: Come ashore, come merry mates,
With your nimble heels and pates,
Summon every man his knight,
Enough honoured is this night. :‖
‖: Now, let your sea-born goddess come,
Quench these lights and make all dumb;
Some sleep, others let her call,
And so goodnight, goodnight to all,
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight,
Goodnight to all. :‖

2. ‖: Haste aboard, haste now away,
Hymen frowns at your delay.
Hymen doth long nights affect,
Yield him then his due respect. :‖
‖: The sea-born goddess straight will come,
Quench these lights and make all dumb;
Some sleep, others she will call,
And so goodnight, goodnight to all,
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight,
Goodnight to all. :‖

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