Anthem of liberty

1. Anthem of liberty,
Solemn and grand,
Wake in thy loftiness,
Sweep through the land!
Light in each breast anew
Patriot fires,
Pledge the old flag again –
Flag of our sires!
Fling all thy folds abroad,
Banner of light!

Wave, wave forever,
Flag of our might!
God for our banner,
Freedom and Right!
Amen! Amen!

2. Spirit of Unity,
Potent, divine,
Come in thy kindliness,
All hearts intwine!
Prove to our enemies
Ever a rock,
And to each traitor-scheme
Ruinous shock!
Wake the old banner word!
Shout it amain.

Union forever!
Once and again! –
Union forever
God it maintain!
Amen! Amen!

3. Shades of our forefathers,
Pass through the land,
Clothed in full majesty,
Terrible, grand!
Fright from their lurking-place,
Treason and wrong,
Wake the old loyalty,
Earnest and strong!
This for our panoply,
What can befal?

Steadfast and loyal,
Naught can appal!
Thus to be loyal
God help us all!
Amen! Amen!

4. Come kindly trinity,
Noblest and best,
‘Faith, Hope, and Charity’,
Rule in each breast!
Faith, in our Fatherland,
Hope, in our Lord,
Charity, still to all
Blindly who’ve err’d!
God save the Government!
Long it defend!

Thine is the Kingdom,
Father and Friend!
Thine be the glory,
World without end!
Amen! Amen!

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