Our Native Land

1. Our Native Land – our Native Land –
Land dear to every heart!
They breathe free air, they proudly stand,
Who but of thee have part!
’Tis not broad plains, or skies so clear,
Or mountains high and grand:

’Tis liberty that makes so dear,
Our own blest Native Land!

2. O land beloved – whose Washington
Toiled nobly for its peace,
Whose patriots bled till life was done,
That tyrany might cease!
’Twas Freedom’s shrine they sought to rear;
By that we ever stand:


3. Dear Native Land! – the world’s oppressed
Turn longingly to thee:
Not for thy wealth, thy might confessed,
Thy noble Unity.
Not for thy wide, embracing sphere,
Thy sons that waiting stand:


4. Dear Native Land – dear Father Land!
May peace within thee dwell!
May bounteous life, from God’s good hand,
O’er all they valleys swell!
May Right and Truth have naught to fear
While heaven and earth shall stand!


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