God save the land!

1. Great God, all just, all wise!
On whom our trust relies,
To Thee our nation cries,
God save the land!
Change it with patriot fire,
Guard it from faction dire,
And from rebellion’s ire
‖: God save the land! :‖
And from rebellion’s ire
God save the land!

2. Bless it with plenty’s smile!
Cheer it with honest toil!
Make all its foes recoil!
God save the land!
Crown it with Truth and Right!
O’er it shed Virtue’s light,
Honor and Glory bright!
‖: God save the land! :‖
Honor and Glory bright!
God save the land!

3. Garlands of Hope entwine,
With Faith and Love divine,
O’er blessed Freedom’s shrine!
God save the land!
Great God, all just, all wise,
On whom our strength relies,
To Thee our nation cries,
‖: God save the land! :‖
To Thee our nation cries,
God save the land!

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