God save our Fatherland

1. God save our Fatherland, from shore to shore!
God save our Fatherland, one evermore!
No hand shall peril it,
No strife shall sever it,
East, West, North, and South;
One evermore!

God save our Fatherland, ⸢true⸣* home of freedom!
God save our Fatherland, one evermore;
One in her hills and streams,
One in her glorious dreams,
One in love’s noblest themes!
One evermore!

2. Strong in the hearts of men, love is thy throne!
Union and Liberty crown thee alone!
Nations have sighed for thee!
Our sires have died for thee!
We will be true to thee.
All are thine own!


3. Ride on, proud ship of state, tho’ tempests low’r,
Ride on in majesty, glorious in pow’r.
Tho’ fierce the blast may be,
No wreck shall shatter thee;
Storms shall but bring to thee
Sunshine once more.


* After the 2nd and 3rd verse: blest.

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