‖: Sigh no more, :‖ (×3) ladies, sigh no more;
‖: Sighs may ease :‖ (×3) but not heal the sore.
Men were deceivers ever;
One foot in sea and one on shore.
In one thing constant never.
Then sigh not so,
But let them go,
And be you blithe ‖: and bonny, :‖ (×4)
And be you blithe and bonny,
‖: Converting all your signs of woe
Into hey no nonny, hey no nonny,
Hey no nonny, hey no nonny, hey,
Nonny, nonny, hey, no nonny, nonny. :‖
‖: Change your grief :‖ (×3) to a pleasing smile;
‖: Love as you do :‖ (×3) when you beguile.
Make your bright stars glance their beams.
Your charming voice use as a wile.
Sweetly chanting love’s false dreams.
So they shall sigh
And you live free,
And smile at mad ‖: men’s folly, :‖ (×4)
And smile at mad men’s folly.
‖: Daring assume inconstancy
That doth make you jolly, make you jolly,
Make you jolly, make you jolly, doth
Make you jolly, that doth make you jolly. :‖
‖: If this way :‖ (×3) take not as you would,
‖: Bear yourselves :‖ (×3) then as ladies should;
Cupid is a powerful god.
Love truly and you men may mould
With a beck or with a nod.
Then constant be,
Conceal your scorn,
And freely tell ‖: them on it, :‖ (×4)
And freely tell them on it;
‖: But to lament and grieve and mourn,
No, no, fie upon it, fie upon it,
Fie upon it, fie upon it, fie,
Fie upon it, fie, fie upon it! :‖