O love! if e’er thou’lt ease a heart

1. O love! if e’er thou’lt ease a heart,
That owns thy power divine,
That bleeds with thy too cruel dart,
And pants with never ceasing smart;
Take pity now on mine.
Under the shade, I fainting lie!
A thousand times I wish to die;
But when I find cold death too nigh,
‖: I grieve to lose my pleasing pain,
And call my wishes back again. :‖

2. But thus as I sat all alone,
I’th shady myrtle grove,
And to each gentle sigh and moan,
Some neighbouring echo gave a groan,
Came by the man I love.
Oh! how I strove my griefs to hide!
I panted, blushed and almost died,
And did each tattling echo chide,
‖: For fear some breath of moving air,
Should to his ears my sorrows bear. :‖

3. Yet O ye powers! I’d die to gain
But one poor parting kiss!
And yet I’d be on racks of pain,
Ere I’d one thought or wish retain,
Which honour thinks amiss.
Thus are poor maids unkindly used,
By love and nature both abused,
Our tender hearts all ease refused;
‖: And, when we burn with secret flame,
Must bear our griefs, or die with shame. :‖

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