Where like to like

1. Where like to like is matched so
That virtue must of force decay,
There God with vengeance, plagues and woe,
By judgement just must needs repay.
‖: For like to like, the worldlings cry,
Although both likes do grace defy. :‖

2. And whereas Satan planted hath
In vicious minds a sinful trade;
There like to like do walk his path
By which to him like they are made.
‖: So like with like reward obtain,
To have their meed in endless pain. :‖

3. Likewise in faith where matches be,
And where as God hath planted grace,
There do his children still agree,
And like to like do run their race.
‖: Like Christ, like hearts of Christian men,
As like to like well-coupled then. :‖

4. Therefore like grace, like faith and love,
Like virtue springs in each degree;
Where like assistance from above
Doth make them like so right to be.
‖: A holy God, a Christ most just,
And so like souls in him do trust. :‖

5. Then like as Christ above doth reign
In heaven high, our Saviour best;
So like with him shall be our gain,
In peace and joy and endless rest,
‖: If we ourselves like him do frame
In fear of his most holy name. :‖

6. To him be praise that grace doth give,
Whereby he fashioneth us anew,
And makes us holily to live
Like to himself, in faith most true;
‖: Which our redemption sure hath wrought,
Like him to be most dearly bought. :‖

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