Come away, thou lady gay

‖: Come away, :‖ thou lady gay:
Hoist! how she stumbles!
Hark how she mumbles.
‖: Dame Gillian! :‖
By old Claret I enlarge thee,
By Canary thus I charge thee,
By Britain Metheglin and Peeter,
Appear, and answer me in metre!
‖: Why, when? :‖
Why, Gill!
Why, when?

Once again I conjure thee,
By the pose in thy nose,
And the gout in thy toes;
By thine old dried skin,
And the mummy within;
By thy little, little ruff,
And thy hood that’s made of stuff;
By thy bottle at thy breech,
And thine old salt itch;
By the stakes and the stones
That have worn out thy bones,
‖: Appear! :‖ (×3)
‖: I come! :‖

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