Awake, ye woeful wights,
That long have wept in woe:
Resign to me your plaints and tears,
My hapless hap to show.
My woe no tongue can tell,
No pen can well descry:
O, what a death is this to hear,
‖: Damon my friend :‖ must die!
The loss of worldly wealth
Man’s wisdom may restore,
And physic hath provided too
A salve for every sore:
But my true friend once lost,
No art can well supply:
Then, what a death is this to hear,
‖: Damon my friend :‖ must die!
My mouth, refuse the food,
That should my limbs sustain:
Let sorrow sink into my breast,
And ransack every vein:
Ye Furies, all at once
On me your torments try:
Why should I live, since that I hear
‖: Damon my friend :‖ should die!
Gripe me, you greedy grief
And present pangs of death,
You sisters three, with cruel hands
With speed now stop my breath:
Shrine me in clay alive,
Some good man stop mine eye:
O death, come now, seeing I hear
‖: Damon my friend :‖ must die!
O death, come now, seeing I hear
‖: Damon my friend :‖ must die!