Universal praise

1. Let every creature join
To praise the eternal God;
‖: Ye heavenly hosts, the song begin, :‖
And sound his name abroad.

Thou sun with golden beams,
And moon with paler rays,
‖: Ye starry lights, ye twinkling flames,
Shine on your maker’s praise. :‖

2. He built those worlds above
And fixed their wondrous frame;
‖: By his command they stand or move, :‖
And ever speak his name.

Ye vapors, when ye rise,
Or fall in showers or snow,
‖: Ye thunders murmuring round the skies,
His power and glory show. :‖

3. Wind, hail, and flashing fire,
Agree to praise the Lord,
‖: When ye in dreadful storms conspire :‖
To execute his word.

By all his works above
His honors be expressed;
‖: But saints that taste his saving love
Should sing his praises best. :‖

4. Let earth and ocean know
They owe their Maker praise;
‖: Praise him, ye watery worlds below, :‖
And monsters of the seas.

From mountains near the sky
Let his high praise resound,
‖: From humble shrubs and cedars high,
And vales and fields around. :‖

5. Ye lions of the wood,
And tamer beasts that graze,
‖: Ye live upon his daily food, :‖
And he expects your praise.

Ye birds of lofty wing,
On high his praises bear;
‖: Or sit on flowery boughs, and sing
Your Maker’s glory there. :‖

6. Ye creeping ants and worms,
His various wisdom show,
‖: And flies, in all your shining swarms, :‖
Praise him that dressed you so.

By all the earth born race
His honors be expressed:
‖: But saints that know his heavenly grace
Should learn to praise him best. :‖

7. Monarchs of wide command,
Praise ye the eternal King;
‖: Judges, adore that sovereign hand :‖
Whence all your honors spring.

Let vigorous youth engage
To sound his praises high;
‖: While growing babes, and withering age,
their feebler voices try. :‖

8. United zeal be shown
His wondrous fame to raise;
‖: God is the Lord: his name alone :‖
Deserves our endless praise.

Let nature join with art,
And all pronounce him blest;
‖: But saints that dwell so near his heart
Should sing his praises best. :‖

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