Beautiful Ohio

I sailed away; Wandered afar;
Crossed the mighty restless sea;
Looked for where I ought to be.
Cities so grand, mountains above,
Led to this land I love.

‖: Beautiful Ohio, where the golden grain
Dwarf the lovely flowers in the summer rain.
Cities rising high, silhouette the sky.
Freedom is supreme in this majestic land;
Mighty factories seem to hum in tune, so grand.
Beautiful Ohio, thy wonders are in view,
Land where my dreams all come true! :‖

1969–1989 version

Long, long ago,
Someone I know
Had a little red canoe,
In it room for only two.
Love found its start,
Then in my heart
And like a flower it grew.

‖: Drifting with the current down a moonlit stream
While above the Heavens in their glory gleam
And the stars on high –
Twinkle in the sky –
Seeming in a Paradise of love divine,
Dreaming of a pair of eyes that looked in mine.
Beautiful Ohio, in dreams again I see
Visions of what used to be. :‖

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