North Dakota hymn

1. North Dakota, North Dakota,
With thy prairies wide and free,
All thy sons and daughters love thee,
Fairest state from sea to sea;
‖: North Dakota, North Dakota,
Here we pledge ourselves to thee. :‖

2. Hear thy loyal children singing,
Songs of happiness and praise,
Far and long the echoes ringing
Through the vastness of thy ways –
‖: North Dakota, North Dakota,
We will serve thee all our days. :‖

3. Onward, onward, onward going,
Light of courage in thine eyes,
Sweet the winds above thee blowing,
Green thy fields and fair thy skies,
‖: North Dakota, North Dakota,
Brave the Soul that in thee lies. :‖

4. God of freedom, all victorious,
Give us Souls serene and strong,
Strength to make the future glorious –
Keep the echo of our song,
‖: North Dakota, North Dakota,
In our hearts forever long. :‖

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