Old New Hampshire

1. With a skill that knows no measure,
From the golden store of Fate;
God, in His great love and wisdom,
Made the rugged Granite State;
Made the lakes, the fields, the forests;
Made the Rivers and the rills;
Made the bubbling, crystal fountains
Of New Hampshire’s Granite Hills.

‖: Old New Hampshire :‖ (×3) Grand and Great,
We will sing of Old New Hampshire,
Of the dear old Granite State.

2. Builded he New Hampshire glorious
From the borders to the sea;
And with matchless charm and splendor
Blessed her for eternity.
Hers, the majesty of mountain;
Hers, the grandeur of the lake;
Hers, the truth as from the hillside
Whence her crystal waters break.


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