My Michigan

Chorus I:
All hail My Michigan,
Flower of our Union Great!
Health to my Michigan
From the Upper to the Strait!
And may the wash of your saltless seas,
While the zephyrs gently sway your trees,
Sing to you, Michigan!
Might in War and Right in Peace.

1. Hail La Salle, to Cadillac of old,
To ev’ry pioneer we pledge their faith to hold.
Oh Michigan! My Michigan!
May their noble deeds be ever told.

Chorus I

Chorus II:
Three cheers My Michigan,
And a lusty Tiger too.
Long live My Michigan
With a Will and Heart so true.
From Erie’s marshes to Keweenaw
May the glory of your grandeur stand.
God bless you Michigan,
Fairest state in all our land.

2. From canoe of birch to motor car,
From ev’ry sugar beet and ev’ry copper bar
Your life began My Michigan!
To our land you are the guiding Star.

Chorus II

Chorus III:
Here’s to My Michigan,
May your standard never fade!
We love you Michigan,
Ev’ry lake and ev’ry glade;
So let our hearts sing in harmony,
Let our voices ring in praise of you.
God save you Michigan!
We’ll defend you, we’ll be true.

3. To the years, the days that are to be
We dedicate our lives to Honor, Liberty
For Michigan, My Michigan!
Hold the torch of Tuebor loftily.

Chorus III

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