
1. Alabama, Alabama,
We will aye be true to thee,
From thy Southern shores where groweth,
By the sea thy orange tree.
To thy Northern vale where floweth,
Deep and blue thy Tennessee,

Alabama, Alabama,
We will aye be true to thee!

2. Broad thy stream whose name thou bearest,
Grand thy Bigbee rolls along,
Fair thy Coosa-Tallapoosa
Bold thy Warrior dark and strong.
Goodlier than the land that Moses
Climbed lone Nebb’s Mount to see.


3. Brave and pure thy men and women,
Better this than corn and wine,
Make us worthy, God in Heaven
Of this goodly land of Thine.
Hearts as open as thy doorways,
Liberal hands and spirits free,


4. Little, little can I give thee,
Alabama, mother mine,
But that little – hand, brain, spirit,
All I have and am are thine.
Take, O take, the gift and giver,
Take and serve thyself with me.


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