National anthem of Malawi

English version

1. O God bless our land of Malawi,
Keep it a land of peace.
Put down each and every enemy,
Hunger, disease, envy.
Join together all our hearts as one,
That we be free from fear.
Bless our leader, each and every one,
And Mother Malawi.

2. Our own Malawi, this land so fair,
Fertile and brave and free.
With its lakes, refreshing mountain air,
How greatly blest are we.
Hills and valleys, soil so rich and rare,
Give us a bounty free.
Wood and forest, plains so broad and fair,
All-beauteous Malawi.

3. Freedom ever, let us all unite
To build up Malawi.
With our love, our zeal and loyalty,
Bringing our best to her.
In time of war, or in time of peace,
One purpose and one goal.
Men and women serving selflessly
In building Malawi.

Chewa version

This version may no longer be official.

1. Mlungu dalitsani Malawi,
Mumsunge m’mtendere.
Gonjetsani adani onse,
Njala, nthenda, nsanje.
Lunzitsani mitime yathu,
Kuti tisaope.
Mdalitse Mtsogo leri nafe,
Ndi Mai Malawi.

2. Malawi ndziko lokongola,
La chonde ndi ufulu,
Nyanja ndi mphepo ya m’mapiri,
Ndithudi tadala.
Zigwa, mapiri, nthaka, dzinthu,
N’mphatso zaulere.
Nkhalango, madambo abwino.
Ngwokoma Malawi.

3. O! Ufulu tigwirizane,
Kukweza Malawi.
Ndi chikondi, khama, kumvera,
Pa nkhondo nkana pa mtendere,
Cholinga n’chimodzi.
Mai, bambo, tidzipereke,
Pokweza Malawi.

Tumbuka version

This version has not been official since c.1968.

1. Chiuta mtumbike Malawi,
Mumupe mutende.
Muthereske barwani wose,
Njara, nthenda, sanje.
Gumanyani mitima yithu,
Nkhumbi tibavyeso.
Mtumbike Mlongozgi natose,
Na mama Malawi.

2. Malawi charo chakutowa,
Nyata na wanangwa,
Nyanja, mphepo za mumapiri.
Ta ba mwabi ndise
M’madambo nthaka ya vundira,
Vyatipa wanangwa.
Nguyi na madambo ghaweme,
Kutowa Malawi.

3. Wanangwa muyaya pamoza,
Tizenge Malawi.
Kutemwa na mwamphu na nchindi
Mnyengo ya nkhondo nesi mtende,
Chikhomo chimoza.
Mama, dada, mwe tijipate,
Mkukuzga Malawi.

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