Fanohge Chamoru

Chamorro version

1. Fanohge Chamoru put it tanoʼ-ta
Kånta i matunå-ña gi todu i lugåt
‖: Para i onra, para i gloria
Abiba i isla sinparat. :‖

2. Todu i tiempo i pas para hita
Yan ginen i langet na bendision
‖: Kontra i piligru naʼfansåfoʼ ham
Yuʼos prutehi i islan Guam. :‖

English version

1. Stand ye Guamanians for your country
And sing her praise from shore to shore
‖: For her honor, for her glory
Exalt our island forever more. :‖

2. May everlasting peace reign o’er us
May heaven’s blessing to us come
‖: Against all perils, do not forsake us
God protect our isle of Guam. :‖

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